Before joining the PhD program in Applied Linguistics at Concordia University (supervised by Pavel Trofimovich), Cesar obtained a BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures (with specialization in English) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in Brazil, and an MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Calgary. He is broadly interested in second language speech, including how learners acquire and process individual sounds, how individual differences affect the learning process, how listeners react to second language speech, how speaking with an accent impacts speakers’ lives, and how pronunciation can be taught and learned more effectively. In his free time, Cesar enjoys cooking and watching all-things drag queens.
- Understanding and mitigating foreign accent bias among Canadian HR professionals
- Linguistic dimensions of second language comprehensibility
- Exploring the benefits of social ties for international students' wellbeing
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Peer-reviewed Contributions to Edited Volumes
Summaries of Research
- Teló, C., Kivistö de Souza, H., O'Brien, M. G., & Carlet, A. (2024). Second language sentence stress assignment: Self- and other-assessment. Language Learning. Published online 4 November 2024.
- Teló, C., Trofimovich, P., O'Brien, M. G., Le, T.-N. N., & Bodea, A. (2024). Beyond the resume: HR students’ evaluations of interview performances by first and second language speakers. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. Published online 27 August 2024.
- Teló, C., Silveira, R., Marcelino, A. F. B., & O'Brien, M. G. (2024). Accent bias in professional evaluations: A conceptual replication study in Brazil. Applied Linguistics, 45(6), 1010–1029.
- Trofimovich, P., Bodea, A., Le, T.-N. N., O’Brien, M. G., Shimada, M., & Teló, C. (2024). What do students in human resource management know about accent bias? Language Awareness, 33(3), 447-467.
- Teló, C., & Kivistö de Souza, H. (2023). The acquisition of a novel phonetic category in a foreign language setting: Input versus phonological awareness. Ilha do Desterro, 76(3), 199–221.
- Teló, C., Trofimovich, P., & O’Brien, M. G. (2022). Disentangling foreign accent and professional competence. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 8(3), 413–443.
- Silveira, R., Teló, C., & Gonçalves, A. R. (2022). The interplay between language proficiency and phonological development: A study on English codas produced by Brazilian learners. Fórum Linguístico, 19(1), 7442–7458.
- Teló, C., & O’Brien, M. G. (2021). Looking at comprehensibility as a dynamic construct: An interview with Dr. Mary Grantham O’Brien. Revista X, 16(5), 1402–1410.
Peer-reviewed Contributions to Edited Volumes
- Silveira, R., Teló, C., & Zanchet, C. E. (2024, in press). Online pedagogical resources for teaching English pronunciation: Creating and evaluating a website. In A. P. Silveira, C. Conceição, & F. F. Kupske (Eds.), Pronunciation teaching and teacher training. Editora da ABRALIN.
- O'Brien, M. G., Teló, C., & Trofimovich, P. (2024, September). How accent bias can impact a person’s job prospects. The Conversation.
- Bodea, A., Le, N.-T. N., Trofimovich, P., O’Brien, M. G., Teló, C., & Shimada, M. (2023, February). Votre accent étranger pourrait-il nuire à votre embauche? [Could your foreign accent affect your hiring?]. Gestion.
- Teló, C., O’Brien, M. G., Trofimovich, P., Bodea, A., Le, T.-N. N., & Shimada, M. (2023, January). How HR professionals respond to second language accents. Talent Canada.
Summaries of Research
- Teló, C., O'Brien, M. G., Kivistö de Souza, H., & Carlet, A. (2024). Self- and other-assessment of sentence stress placement in a second language. OASIS Summary of Teló et al. (2024) in Language Learning.
Conference Presentations
- O’Brien, M. G., Teló, C., Trofimovich, P., Bodea, A., & Le, T.-N. N. (2024, September 12–14). Humanizing accent bias: A sharing session among newcomers and HR professionals [Oral presentation]. 15th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, Ames, United States.
- Teló, C. (2024, April 24–25). An examination of accent discrimination in Canada [Oral presentation]. Pathways to Inclusion: Community-Based Research in Immigration and Settlement, Calgary, Canada.
- Teló, C. (2024, April 10). Voice-based discrimination: Impact on employability evaluations of speakers with multiple voice-signaled stigmatized identities [Oral presentation]. 2024 SLLLC Graduate Forum, Calgary, Canada.
- Teló, C., Trofimovich, P., Le, T.-N. N., Bodea, A., & O’Brien, M. G. (2023, September 6–8). Beyond the resume: HR students’ evaluations of L1 and L2 job candidates’ interview performances [Oral presentation]. 14th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, West Lafayette, United States.
- Teló, C. (2023, April 14). Second language sentence stress assignment: Self- and other-assessment [Oral presentation]. 2023 SLLLC Graduate Forum, Calgary, Canada.
- Teló, C., & Abashidze, D. (2022, December 8–9). Individual differences in using eye gaze cues when learning novel L2 morphosyntactic patterns: An eye-tracking study [Poster presentation]. CogLing Days 2022, Tilburg, Netherlands.
- Teló, C., & Kivistö de Souza, H. (2022, April 20–22). Skilled L2 English speakers underestimate their L2 prominence use [Poster presentation]. 10th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech – New Sounds 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
- Marcelino, A. F. B., Teló, C., Silveira, R., & O’Brien, M. G. (2022, April 20–22). Professional competence and foreign accent in Brazil: A conceptual replication of Teló, Trofimovich, and O’Brien (2022) [Oral presentation]. 10th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech – New Sounds 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
- Teló, C., & Kivistö de Souza, H. (2021, December 9–11). The acquisition of a non-salient L2 phone: Input versus phonological awareness [Oral presentation]. 14th International Conference on Native and Non-Native Accents of English – Accents 2021, Łódź, Poland.
- Silveira, R., Teló, C., & Zanchet, C. (2021, September 15–17). English pronunciation teaching: Online resources to promote teachers’ continuing education and boost classroom practices [Oral presentation]. 8th Latin American Conference on Language Teacher Education, Uberlândia, Brazil.
- O’Brien, M. G., Teló, C., & Trofimovich, P. (2021, June 18–19). Disentangling professional competence and foreign accent [Oral presentation]. 12th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, St. Catherine’s, Canada.
- Teló, C., & Kivistö de Souza (2021, June 18–19). Self- and other-perception of nuclear stress assignment in L2 English [Poster presentation]. 12th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, St. Catherine’s, Canada.
- Zanchet, C., Teló, C., & Silveira, R. (2021, June 18–19). Teacher education and technology in pronunciation teaching: Connecting the dots [Poster presentation]. 12th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, St. Catherine’s, Canada.
- Teló, C., & Kivistö de Souza, H. (2019, May 5–9). Production of the English voiced interdental fricative by advanced Brazilian Portuguese EFL learners [Poster presentation]. 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Linguistics Association, Maceió, Brazil.
GRANTS, awards and scholarships
Awards and Scholarships
- LLAC Program Award, University of Calgary (2023)
- Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship, University of Calgary (2023)
- Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship, Government of Alberta (2023)
- Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship, Government of Alberta (2022)
- Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program Scholarship, Government of Canada (2021)
- Undergraduate Initiation to Research Scholarship, Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (2020–2021)
- Undergraduate Initiation to Research Scholarship, Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (2019–2020)